1- Surnames did not exist, they were introduced in 1066 by the Norman conquest.

2- Archery was not just a pastime in the Middle Ages. In 1363, there was a mandate that all Englishmen had to practice with their bow every Sunday.

3- Pale skin on women was seen as incredibly fashionable at the time, so many used makeup to achieve the effect. However, much of that powder contained lead, and caused premature death.

4- Animals could be taken to court for some crimes. They suffered many of the same punishments as humans, including banishment, imprisonment and even death.

5- Sometimes urine was used to clean wounds. King Henry VIII’s surgeon recommended that battle wounds be washed with this fluid. This was probably best, considering how dirty the water could be.

6- The origin of the candy cane-shaped barber’s cane is more obscure than one might think. Barbers actually used to be surgeons and dentists as well. White polo would be used when they were bleeding, and the barber would use a cloth to stop the bleeding, then wrap it around the pole and stick it out to dry.

7- St. Anthony’s Fire; it was a disease of supposedly divine origin, but was actually caused by a fungus similar to LSD that grew in his rye.

8- Medieval women loved to show off their foreheads, as a domed forehead was an attractive feature at the time. To draw more attention to that area, they would pluck out their eyelashes, eyebrows and even their hairline.

9- Soccer used to be an incredibly violent game, commonly known as «mob soccer». It was banned by King Edward II for being too violent, probably due to the fact that there were no rules and injuries could be fatal.

10- Las anguilas eran tan comunes en Inglaterra durante la Edad Media que hay registros que indican que las anguilas se usaban como moneda.

11- Wigs were often worn because people had to shave their heads due to lice.

12- The day was divided into seven equal hours, from sunrise to sunset. This meant that the length of an hour varied greatly from winter to summer.

13- The original ones appeared in the Middle Ages. The piggy banks were made of an orange clay called «pygg», which later became associated with the animal.

14- Cannibalism was not necessarily taboo in medieval times. It is said that participants in the crusades, on the verge of starvation, ate their enemies and mummy powder was used to cure various ailments.

15- Jousting was dangerous. In addition to being hit with a lance while wearing heavy armor, horses could also go over 30 mph.

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