The Earth is speeding up, and over the past 40 days, the atomic clocks that measure the Earth’s rotation cycle have recorded
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The Earth is speeding up, and over the past 40 days, the atomic clocks that measure the Earth’s rotation cycle have recorded
INTRODUCTIONThe Earth’s seas and oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface. We are talking about a global area of 361
INTRODUCTION In the oceans we find large predators such as the eel shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus), which is one of the two existing
INTRODUCTION The fossil remains of a gigantic dinosaur found on an English island are believed to be the largest land predator that
When different people provide evidence of visions about the same great event, these may naturally differ, and may include different messages and
HISTORY The Heralds of the Gospel, also known in some places as Knights of the Virgin (in Latin Evangelii Præcones, whose acronym
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INTRODUCTION Au XIXe siècle, les travaux de Paul Broca et Carl Wernicke ont commencé à attribuer certaines régions du cerveau à certaines
Des choses étranges sur Croatoan Le fait est que le mot Croatoan n’est pas seulement apparu dans la colonie de Roanoke, mais